Because of the aspired scientific and educational goals of Kut University College, yesterday, Wednesday, 5/17/2023 AD, an extension of a joint scientific cooperation agreement was signed between the first party, the Cultural Chancellery of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the representation of His Eminence Sheikh Ghulam Reza Aba Dari, and the second party, the Persian Language Teaching Center in Kut University Represented by Ms. Maryam Rafid Abdul Qadir
The agreement includes holding training courses in the Persian language for non-native speakers, and participating in the implementation of programs related to the Persian language in order to provide opportunities; To develop the teaching of the Persian language and its literature in Iraq... The second party is committed to choosing the teaching curricula and place of teaching, providing textbooks and granting the course certificate according to the Chancellery's regulations. Likewise, the commitment of the second party to conditions related to the venue of the course, in addition to the financial obligations agreed upon. And from God is success. central media Kut University College.

And from God is success.

الإعلام المركزي
كلية الكوت الجامعة .

للأطلاع ومتابعة آخر الأخبار إنضم إلى المواقع الرسمية لكلية الكوت الجامعة :


– الموقع الإلكتروني :

– الفيس بوك :‏

– التويتر :

– الانستغرام :

– التليكرام :

– اليوتيوب :

– موقع مجلة كلية الكوت الجامعة للعلوم التطبيقية :

– موقع مجلة كلية الكوت الجامعة الإنسانية :

– موقع صحيفة الجامعي :

– الموقع الرسمي لرئيس مجلس الإدارة :

الإعلام المركزي
Kut University College
الخميس الموافق ١٨ / ٥ / ٢٠٢٣م.