The scientific laboratories are the college’s most important facilities that aim to clarify scientific concepts to students and translate theories and laws practically to consolidate them in the minds of students, which prompts them to expand learning opportunities and try to create, discover, and clarify the secrets in science of all kinds. It is known that advanced scientific curricula focus on experimentation.  


Scientific laboratories (medical and engineering) should be pioneers in all fields and at a modern level, and should be distinguished in terms of teaching and application to meet the needs of society.
Preparing distinguished graduates who are able to keep pace with technological development in all scientific fields, as well as qualifying distinguished cadres capable of innovation and creativity through learning and scientific research in accordance with academic and professional standards to meet the needs of the local community and encourage applied and professional work to contribute to developing cognitive capabilities and keeping pace with scientific developments. Technology in all fields.
  1. 1. Preparing scientific cadres capable of working in all fields.
  2. 2.Preparing specialized scientific cadres in all fields to meet the market need.
  3. 3.Graduating cadres with technical knowledge and high ambitions for excellence and leadership.
  4. 4.Permanent and renewed development of the study plan to ensure keeping pace with rapid changes in all fields of life.
Biosafety guide book for laboratories click here 

Video about scientific laboratories at Kut University College