College vision:
The vision reflects the college’s dream during the years of the plan, and this dream is based on a correct understanding of the reality of the surrounding environment, and a deeper understanding of the desires of influential stakeholders affected by the college’s various activities, as well as an accurate definition of the set of values governing university work. In application of the above, the college’s vision has been defined as follows:
College mission:
The college's mission reflects the main reason for which the college was established, and the mission from this logic reflects the groups of activities, programs, and services that the college seeks to provide and the means through which the college's mission can be achieved. Therefore, the college’s mission has been defined as follows:
College objectives:
1- Providing higher education opportunities, raising the quality of its outcomes, and offering applied humanitarian and scientific academic programs, especially in the field of supportive medical professions, laser engineering, and business administration, leading to obtaining a bachelor’s degree.
2- Building the university student’s personality creatively, developing his ability to research, analyze, communicate, and stimulate his spirit of initiative and leadership
3- Building a wide network of relationships with various university institutions, whether from inside or outside Iraq, to exchange experiences and knowledge.
4-Working to prepare students for career and professional work in various specializations according to the country’s needs and labor market demand.
5- Contributing to solving unemployment problems in the academic, administrative and service fields by absorbing the necessary competencies according to the college’s need.
6- Contributing to supporting the national economy and reducing study expenses for Iraqi students as a result of providing study opportunities for many students who seek to study in universities outside Iraq.
7-Working to build partnerships with official institutions and civil society organizations by providing continuing education, training, and cooperation with the industrial, health, commercial, and administrative sectors.
8-Working to raise the quality of educational outcomes, especially in the specialized engineering, medical and administrative fields.
Future visions:
1- Raising the efficiency of the college’s administrative apparatus.
2- Completing the college buildings to accommodate the opening of new scientific departments and preparing spaces for the implementation of cultural and sports activities.
3- Preparing an integrated, unified information systems network at the college.
4- Develop a plan of action to achieve comprehensive quality assurance for the college with the aim of obtaining accreditation.
5- Organizing seminars and workshops regarding spreading the culture of quality.
6- Emphasis on developing students’ skills and abilities and preparing them for the labor market.
7- Establishing a unit to care for graduates and to enhance communication with them.
8-Working to complete a student database for the purpose of forming a comprehensive picture of all college students
9-Working to find outlets and sources for sports and artistic activities for college students.
10- Urging college professors to participate in scientific conferences inside and outside Iraq.
11-Working to prepare the requirements for issuing a peer-reviewed journal for the college
12- Ensure the necessity of continuing issuanceThe college newspaper at its specified times and the teaching staff is encouraged to contribute to supplying the newspaper with articles and studies.
جريدة الكلية باوقاتها المحددة وحث التدريسي للمساهمة في رفد الجريدة بالمقالات والدراسات .
13-Work to increase the signing of cooperation agreements with university institutions inside and outside Iraq
14- Adopting the curricula approved by the sectoral committees in the official colleges and investing the 20% addition and deletion percentage in enriching the approved curricula with what is new in the fields of scientific knowledge.
15- Expanding the opening of scientific branches and departments in the governorate’s districts to provide university education services to the people of these districts.