The Department of Business Administration is one of the scientific departments in the College founded in 2012 with the beginning of the establishment of the College. It is a scientific department that accepts students graduating from middle school in its scientific and literary branches. The department grants a bachelor's degree in Business Management Sciences which has become an important science in building successful projects and works

The department is interested in creating a special website that helps teachers and students learn about the department's news and future scientific activities in addition to publishing all lectures, seminars and workshops.

The Department of Business Administration is considered to be one of the scientific departments of Kut University College , it includes the morning and evening studies, the number of students for all stages is about (500) students, and the number of professors with master's and doctoral degrees is about (15) professor and professor in various scientific disciplines for the academic year 2017-2018.

The Department of Business Administration has held a number of seminars related to management, organization and quality. The Department has also held many competitions, sports activities and seminars related to the Department. It also has constant communication with the corresponding departments in universities and other colleges.

Students in this department receive during four years specialized courses in management. Thus, a graduate student can practise his profession in state institutions, companies and organizations. The department accepts graduates of preparatory studies: scientific and literary branches.

Latest news and activities

كلية الكوت الجامعة تباشر بحملة تلقيح (كوفيد – 19) لكوادرها الوظيفية والتدريسية وطلبتها داخل اروقتها :

October 19th, 2021|

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September 14th, 2021|

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