The Department of Dentistry was established in the year 2018 according to the ministerial order issued by the Department of Private University Education on 10/11/2018 in the building of Al-Kut University College, Al-Hay Road. The department was formed from the head of the department, the rapporteur, and the teaching masters as staff of the Department of Dentistry. It initially contained two nine-study halls. Each of them has 75 students and 4 laboratories: a medical biology laboratory, a dental anatomy laboratory, a general filtration laboratory, and a medical chemistry laboratory

The Department of Dentistry has already begun receiving students graduating from the preparatory study in the biological or scientific branch, with 100 students. The Department of Dentistry has received a free scholarship of 30 students for this stage.

In the year 2019/2020 to receive 145 students, with the development of new laboratories such as the dental industry laboratory, the dental materials laboratory, the biochemistry laboratory, and the tissue and physiology laboratory.

Due to the large number of students accepted into this department, a new building was created for the Department of Dentistry, consisting of 10 classrooms, 9 laboratories for practical lessons, and 5 private clinics to treat patients. New professors were added to strengthen the staff of the Department of Dentistry from various specialties who hold doctoral and master’s degrees.

Latest news and activities

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