Establishing the Department of Holy Qur’an Sciences and Islamic Education in 2016

Students receive four years of academic study, and the Department of Qur’anic Sciences and Islamic Education has proven its worth and excellence over the past years and in all fields

and branches of humanity. The department seeks to contribute effectively to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of Qur’anic sciences

and to enhance the student’s scientific ability to understand the meanings of the Holy Qur’an and its teaching, and to work on Achieving excellence and quality in the numbers of the department’s students and providing them with Islamic knowledge and culture to succeed in their work while preserving the authentic spirit and values

contained in the Holy Qur’an and the sublime principles and values it contains.

Latest news and activities

دانشگاه کوت قرارداد همکاری علمی مشترک با دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد به منظور نصب سیستم انرژی خورشیدی در آن منعقد می کند.

December 21st, 2022|

للتعاون المشترك مع جامعة فردوسي/ مشهد في الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية على المستوى العلمي والأكاديمي والثقافي والتقني ، وبناء على توجيهات وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي العراقية في الانفتاح مع الجامعات الدولية خدمة لبلدنا العزيز،

The University of Baghdad adopts a book written by Assistant Professor Dr. Talib Al-Musawi and professors specializing in lasers.

December 19th, 2022|

لما فيه من مادة علمية مهمة اعتمدت جامعة بغداد كتاب (( Laser Fundamental And Technology )) وهو من إصدارات مركز البحوث والدراسات والنشر/ كلية الكوت الجامعة ، ومن تاليف المرحوم الأستاذ الدكتور محمد صالح

إقامة بازار على أروقة كلية الكوت الجامعة

December 17th, 2022|

ضمن نشاطات وفعاليات كلية الكوت الجامعة أقام قسم القانون بالتعاون مع شعبة النشاطات الطلابية ومشاركة رابطة (مستقبلنا اخضر) بازاراً خيرياً ومعرضا فنيا (السعادة) يوم السبت الموافق 17 / 12 / 2022 . تضمن البازار

الكوت الجامعة تدخل تصنيف ( Greenmetric) للسنة الخامسة على التوالي ، وتحتل التسلسل 898 عالميا .

December 14th, 2022|

دخلت الكوت الجامعة تصنيف ( Greenmetric) للسنة الخامسة على التوالي واحتلت التسلسل 898 عالميا . وتصنيف UI Green Metric يعتمد على الاهتمام بالبنى التحتية infrastructures ومدى تطبيق الطاقة النظيفة ، و المشاركة الفاعلة في

The Law Department at Al-Kut University College participates in a seminar on civil liability resulting from medical errors

November 8th, 2022|

Within the framework of the role played by the Law Department in spreading and consolidating legal knowledge among members of society and its deep belief in the pivotal role played by law as an effective and supportive force for civilizing human societies, and controlling relations between its various components of institutions and individuals. The Department of Law at Kut University College, in cooperation with the Nursing Department at the Technical Institute in Essaouira, held the title (Civil Liability resulting from Medical Errors) on Monday 7/11/2022 AD in the auditorium of Professor Majid Ismail at the Technical Institute/ Essaouira, with the active participation of the professors of the Law Department. 1- Dr. Hazem Abed Aoun 2- m. M Obeida Jalil Ibrahim It is God's success central media Kut University College Tuesday, November 8,2022.

Head of Law Department as a Member of a Master's Thesis Discussion Committee at the University of Babylon:

September 6th, 2022|

Within the directions of Kut University College in openness and cooperation with all private and governmental universities and colleges, head of the Department of Law Assistant Professor Dr. Hassan Dakhel Abdul Radi Al-Jaifari participated in the committee to discuss the master's thesis at the Faculty of Law at Babylon University (Maryam Malik al-Yasri) on her tagged message (legal regulation to ignore possessory mortgage "Comparative study with Islamic jurisprudence) On Monday, 5/6/2022, the Discussion Committee consisted of: 1. . Dr. Wassan Qasem Ghani President 2. Dr. Inas Makki Abdul Member 3. Dr. Hassan Dakhel Abdul Radi Member 4 - Miri Kazim Al Khaikani Member and Supervisor After extensive scientific discussion by members of the Committee on the subject of the thesis, the thesis was accepted at a "very good" Grade.